<< Go back to “Better Understanding nZEB” > Initial quiz about nZEB
The basic idea of the first activity – “WHY nZEB” – was to present to young people the benefits of the nZEBs, the nZEB standard itself and the nZEB ecosystem with particular emphasis on those who will build and deploy nZEBs – skilled workers and experts. After that, each partner (Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Portugal) tested the students’ general knowledge on nZEBs (including general sustainability issues) through the questionnaire at the beginning of the event (nZEB definition, timeline for nZEB policies implementation, share of renewables in nZEB, requirements for nZEB etc.) in order to have a baseline that can be used for comparing the level of their nZEB knowledge/awareness at the beginning and in the end of this awareness raising campaign for young generations.
Here are the questions used in the #nZEB_Ready quiz (correct answers are underlined):
1. What do we mean by “climate change”? (single choice)
a) This is the change in temperature from one day to the next.
b) It is the change of climate that we observe over long periods of time.
2. What is the main cause of global warming? (single choice)
a) the Sun
b) Increasing amounts of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
c) Evaporation of water
3. Which ones are ”direct” greenhouse gases? (multi-choice)
a) Carbon dioxide (CO2)
b) Methane gas (CH4)
c) Nitrous oxide (N2O)
d) Water vapor (H2O)
e) Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
4. What caused the increase in the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere? (single choice)
a) Less clouds
b) Human activities
c) The rays of the sun that have increased in intensity.
5. Please rank the list below in terms of which human activities generate the most greenhouse gases? (sorting options)
a) Use of buildings (3)
b) Transport (4)
c) Industry (1)
d) Agriculture (2)
6. What would the average temperature be on Earth without the greenhouse effect? (single choice)
a) -18°C
b) 0°C
c) 15°C
7. What is the average temperature on Earth today? (single choice)
a) 5°C
b) 15°C
c) 25°C
8. What is the order of magnitude of the increase in Earth’s average temperature since 1750? (single choice)
a) 0.1°C
b) 1°C
c) 10°C
9. How much has sea level risen since 1900? (single choice)
a) 1 to 2 mm
b) 1 to 2 cm
c) 10 to 20 cm
d) 1 to 2 m
10. Which of the following is the largest “sink” for atmospheric carbon dioxide? (single choice)
a) the oceans
b) vegetation and soils
c) ice
11) What amount of greenhouse gases do you think an old (uninsulated) house of 100m² generates (example for Romania)? (single choice)
a) 95 kgCO2eq/year
b) 950 kgCO2eq/year
c) 9500 kgCO2eq/year
12) How much greenhouse gases do you think a 100m2 house generates per year that is NZEB certified (example for Romania)? (single choice)
a) 16 kgCO2eq/year
b) 1,600 kgCO2eq/year
c) 16,000 kgCO2eq/year
13) How much greenhouse gases do you think a medium-sized petrol car generates for 1000 km? (single choice)
a) 1 kg of CO2
b) 10 kg of CO2
c) 110 kg of CO2
14) How much greenhouse gases do you think an average size car on petrol generates for a year (15000km)? (single choice)
a) 16.5 kg of CO2
b) 165 kg CO2
c) 1 650 kg of CO2
15) Did you enjoy the event on sustainable buildings with the nZEB Ready team? (open question)
Bulgaria – EnEffect
Croatia – REA North
Poland – RIC Pro-Akademia
Romania – Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Cluster Pro-Nzeb, INCD URBAN-INCERC
Portugal – LNEG