Learning programme  nZEB concept in practice (public authorities)
Total number of hours 14 Total number of credits  N/A
Minimum EQF for participants 6
Pre-curriculum conditions  n/a


Learning Outcomes


Learning unit/ topic Knowledge Skills Responsibility & autonomy
1 Energy efficiency and building renovation policies (EU and national)
general knowledge on EU 

legislation relevant to energy 

efficiency policy (EPBD and EED, EcoDesign)

general knowledge on national legislation related to energy efficiency in buildings

Knowledge on maximum level of primary energy consumption required to achieve nZEB

  • Definition of ‘Primary Energy’ 
  • Definition of ‘Delivered Energy’

Knowledge on key units used to define the energy efficiency of buildings including kWh/m2.year and kgCO2/m2.year

Basic knowledge on energy performance certificates and energy audits requirements

Ability to identify EU legislation acts related to energy efficiency and explain their main goals

Skill to link energy demand and consumptions in buildings with CO2 emissions and climate goals

Ability to understand requirements of national programmes supporting energy efficient renovations 

ability to read and understand energy performance certificate of 


Autonomy to read/process 

properly an application for financial support of energy efficient renovation project

Explain the link between energy demand and consumptions in buildings with CO2 emissions

2 Principles of NZEB 
knowledge on facts, principles, 

processes and general concepts on energy balance

knowledge on facts, principles, 

processes and general concepts on the five passive house pillars:

  • Highly insulating envelope
  • Thermal bridge free construction
  • Airtightness
  • Windows and solar gains
  • Ventilation with heat recovery

Knowledge on facts and 

principles of comfort in 

buildings and healthy indoor 

climate, including indoor air 

quality, thermal comfort, 

daylight and lighting, noise, 

connection to the nearby 


General knowledge on existing 

renewable and non-polluting 

energy sources

Knowledge on possibilities of integration of renewable energy technologies in buildings

Cognitive and practical skills 

required to formulating tasks and activities related to the design process of energy saving buildings 

Skills to name and describe 

available tools for design of RES building systems

Cognitive skills to explain how building envelope affects possibilities of use of RES

Ability to explain the 

importance of comfort in 

buildings and healthy indoor 

climate, and describe the main criteria and factors that affect human comfort in buildings

Responsibility for identifying and assigning 

tasks related to the design process of energy saving building and DER 

Responsibility to check the 

design of RES systems against the 

guidance and approved 


Autonomy when answering questions from users/owners regarding Comfort, health and safety 

requirements in buildings and 

DER context

3 Renovation and retrofit plans
Basic knowledge on advantages and disadvantages of renovating existing buildings using passive house/ nZEB suitable components

knowledge on defining the 

purpose of the retrofit: 

— Reduced energy 


— Reduced energy costs 

— Building certification 

— Switching to green energy 

— Energy autonomous building

knowledge on economic 

efficiency of the different steps

cognitive skills required to 

explain the advantages and 

specific challenges of step-by-step refurbishment

cognitive skills required to 

identify opportunities for energy savings; 

cognitive and practical skills required to explain the difficulties typically encountered in existing 

buildings when striving for 

ambitious energy standards; 

Responsibility for communicating and defining benefits and opportunities from renovation

Responsibility for ensuring quality of the construction process

4 Construction work and quality assurance
Knowledge on main differences in construction between nZEB and conventional buildings

Basic knowledge in the field of 

planning and monitoring project activities. 

Knowledge on financing tools 

and support schemes;

Knowledge on assessment on a case-by-case basis: tools and 


Knowledge on multiple benefits and accountability to different stakeholders

Knowledge on Commissioning / Facility Management / Monitoring

Practical skills in applying tools for quality assurance 

Cognitive and practical skills in reading and assessing related documentation

Cognitive skills required to 

interpret the energy audit 


To read and process project documents with some responsibility and autonomy.
5 Economic efficiency
Knowledge on definition of cost-effectiveness

Knowledge on current energy cost and estimation models of energy and energy price developments

Comparison of investment costs to costs for energy savings, long term benefits

Ability to understand the results of cost effectiveness assessment

Ability to explain difference in occurring costs in separate stages of life cycle of conventional and NZEB buildings

Responsibility for understanding and explaining cost effective plans 
6 Engaging stakeholders – user needs and support
Knowledge on benefits of Deep Energy Renovation (DER): energy and financial savings, increased thermal comfort, sanitary and health conditions, better indoor air quality, ecological and climate change mitigation impact, broader economic and social benefits, energy security, impact on employment and local economy 

Knowledge on sources of information about nZEB and DER: best practices  

Cognitive and practical skills required to identify the different stakeholders groups in the DER value chain and their needs and 


Cognitive skills required to 

explain the multiple benefits of energy efficiency to different target groups according to the identified needs, demands and limitations

Cognitive skills required to 

identify and advice on suitable communication channels and information resources

Self-management within the guidelines of communication to 

the different target groups 

Some responsibility for providing 

consultation and advice for the 

end client on nZEB and DER 


Detailed content of the topic (module)

Learning unit/topic Teaching methods (classical, video presentation, ppt presentation) Type of activity (course, applied activity, practical activity) No. of hours
1. Energy efficiency and building renovation policies (EU and national) classical, digital/  webinar, interactive,  powerpoint presentation Course 2
2. Principles of NZEB Course, Applied activities 4
3. Renovation and retrofit plans Course, Applied activities 3
4. Construction work and quality assurance Course, Applied activities 2
5. Economic efficiency Course 1
6. Engaging stakeholders – user needs and support Course 2
Total no. of hours 14
References: Fit-to- NZEB, Catalogue of Learning Outcomes D2.3 (December 2017)  available at http://www.fit-to-nzeb.com/uploads/9/8/8/4/9884716/d2.3_catalogue_of_lo.pdf


Contact the nZEB Ready partners to find out more about available trainings in: Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Portugal and Romania.

Full contact details.

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