Learning programme  Solar Shading Systems
Total number of hours 14 Total number of credits  N/A
Minimum EQF for participants 6
Pre-curriculum conditions  Degree in Architecture, Civil and Mechanical Engineering


Learning Outcomes


Learning unit/ topic Knowledge Skills Responsibility & autonomy
1 Fundamentals of climate solar radiation and effects on buildings
Knowledge on climatic condition and solar radiation Interpret and evaluate solar conditions in a certain location required to evaluate the impact of solar radiation on building façade   Responsibility for advice the client and ensure the project design of solar systems according with the building location and conditions
2 Solar shading system overview
Knowledge on facts and general concepts of the impact of orientation of buildings

Knowledge on facts of the influence of building compactness

Knowledge on facts, principles and general concepts regarding properties of types of shading systems

Cognitive and practical skills required to explain effective solar shading devices and give hints for their usage

Cognitive and practical skills required to explain the importance of shading automatization.

Cognitive and practical skills required to show differences between internal and external shading systems

Responsibility for completion of tasks related to installation of shading systems on different types of building elements and different types of systems on the market

Adaptation of own behaviour to circumstances in solving problems

3 Effect of shading on indoor comfort
Knowledge on facts and

principles of comfort in

buildings and healthy indoor climate, including indoor air

quality, thermal comfort,

daylight and lighting

Cognitive and practical skills required to explain the

importance of comfort in

buildings and healthy indoor


Cognitive and practical skills required to present the criteria for thermal comfort

Cognitive and practical skills required to understand visual comfort and present criteria for

lighting and glare

Cognitive and practical skills required to Identify the main factors influencing indoor comfort during summer and describe their importance

Responsibility for for the dentification of indoor environment related issues,

– Adapt own behaviour to

circumstances in solving


4 Design and architectural solutions for solar shadings
cognitive and practical skills required to explain effective solar shading devices and give hints for their usage

– cognitive and practical skills required to explain the importance of shading automatization.

– cognitive and practical skills required to show differences between internal and external shading systems

5 Regulatory requirements

Detailed content of the topic (module)

Learning unit/topic Teaching methods 

(classical, video presentation, ppt presentation)

Type of activity 

(course, applied activity, practical activity)

No. of hours
  1.     Fundamentals of climate solar radiation and effects on buildings

1.1 Nature and components of solar radiation

1.2 Solar geometry 

1.3 Solar gains and daylighting in buildings 

ppt presentation Course  2
  1. Solar shading system overview

2.1 General concepts 

2.2 Different types of shading systems

2.3 Benefits and constraints of use

ppt presentation Course  2
  1. Effect of shading on indoor comfort

3.1 Overview of fundamental thermal and optical properties 

3.2 Thermal comfort and HVAC energy demand

3.3 Visual comfort and electric lighting energy demand

3.4 Metrics and experimental techniques for performance assessment  

ppt presentation Course  4
4. Design and architectural solutions for solar shadings

5.1Tools and methods

5.2Practical examples of shading devices

ppt presentation Course (D) 4
5. Regulatory requirements ppt presentation Course (D) 2
Total no. of hours 14


Hottel, H.C. A simple model for estimating the transmissivity of direct solar radiation through clear atmospheres. Solar Energy, vol.18Energy Research Group, University College Dublin, Solar shading for the European climates– Editor(s): F. Garde, J. Ayoub, L. Aelenei, D. Aelenei, and A. Scognamiglio, Solution Sets for Net Zero Energy Buildings-Feedback from 30 Net ZEBs worldwide, ISBN 978-3-433-03072-1– Editor: Masa Noguchi, ZEMCH: Towards the Delivery of Zero Energy Mass Custom Homes, ISBN 978-3-319-31965-0– Editor(s): Francesco Asdrubali, Umberto Desideri, Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2019, ISBN 9780128128176


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