Incubator Of Creative Industries in Koprivnica
nZEB Example

Building structure is a seismic resistant reinforced concrete frame with 30 cm thick brick block walls as frame filling. It has two stories – ground floor and first floor. Exterior walls are thermally insulated with 15 cm thick rock wool boards. External windows are made from aluminium profiles with heat transmittance coefficient Uw= 1,4 W/(m2K). Building has a centralised heating and cooling system working in a low-temperature regime with highly efficient heat pumps (water-water) as a source of heat. Air conditioning system is also centralised with a balanced (exhaust/supply) air handling unit placed on the building roof. Solar power plant of 30 kWp is installed on the roof of the building and it’s being used to cover electricity needs of the building.

Building owner

City of Koprivnica

Building type
Project type
Year of construction / major renovation

Construction: 2019
Major renovation: N/A

Total floor area
1469 m²
Construction U-value
nZEB Parameters

Primary energy consumption: 22.860,00 kWh/a or 20 kWh/(m2a)
Building tightness: 0,29 (719,35 W/K)
CO2 emissions: 1 kg/(m2a)
Renewable share of energy: 62 %

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