School (new building for afterschool programme) in Bucharest
nZEB Example


▪ Roof insulation of Polystyrene 35 cm
▪ Slab insulation of Polystyrene 20 cm
▪ YTONG NZEB light concrete
▪ Heating, ACC and Cooling with A/W Heat Pumps
▪ Ventilation type VAV with CO2 control and Heat Recovery and free cooling
▪ RES with PV and Thermal solar panels
▪ Monitoring and/or control with BMS for Room air temperatures and CO2 (ventilation), external temperature and CO2, Domestic hot water temperature in tanks
▪ Energy metres for Heating, Cooling, Ventilation, Domestic hot water, Lighting, PV, Thermal solar

Building owner

Local Municipality

Building type
Project type
Year of construction / major renovation

Construction: Under construction
Major renovation: N/A

Total floor area
2388 m²
Construction U-value
nZEB Parameters

Primary energy consumption (includes RES): 71kWh/mp/year
Building tightness: 1 ACH@50Pa
CO2 emissions: 9 kgCO2/mp/year
Renewable share of energy: 51%


Energy consumption and RES based on dynamic simulations (estimated)

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