CRAVEzero: + Cost Reduction and market Acceleration for Viable nearly zero-Energy buildings
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General Description
While the already completed NZEBs have clearly shown that a nearly-zero energy target could be achieved using existing technologies and practices, most experts agree that a broad-scale shift towards nearly-zero energy buildings requires significant adjustments to the prevailing building market structures. Cost-effective integration of efficient solution sets and renewable energy systems, in a form that fits with the development, manufacturing and construction industry processes, as well as with planning, design, and procurement procedures, are the major challenges.
CRAVEzero will focus on proven and new approaches to cost reduction of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEBs) at all stages of the life cycle. The main goal is to identify and eliminate the extra costs for NZEBs related to processes, technologies, building operations, and to promote innovative business models taking into account the cost-effectiveness for all the stakeholders.
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