FEEDSCHOOLS: Financing Environment and Energy Efficiency development in Schools
:: Previous Initiative
General Description
FEEDSCHOOLS strategic objective was to facilitate the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive creating conditions so that more municipalities, financing institutions and consultants develop projects for deep renovations of schools in the upcoming years. To this end pilot activities were conducted in the associated regions. FEEDSCHOOLS pilots included: energy audits of representative school buildings, drawing up preliminary renovation plans, calculation of carbon footprint of the renovation activities, development of energy service models and financing schemes, training of the energy managers of the region, the Municipal staff and students, development of policy recommendation to overcome the identified barriers and integration of project outputs in the city plans. When developing the renovation plans, particular attention was given to the use of renewable energy sources. The pilot activities acted as best practices to demonstrate the practical feasibility of such renovation projects. The project stimulated the inflow of more private funds in public building renovations supporting the Central Europe regions to fulfil obligations of EPBD recast and EE Directives. The project focused on the use of novel energy-saving technologies and on their carbon footprint while verifying their cost-effectiveness and the financing opportunities in the participating region and on the capacity building of the public sector, fulfilling in this way the expected results.
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FEEDSCHOOLS e-learning module