nZEB Example
Primary energy consumption: 25,06 kWh/(m2a)
Energy needed for heating: 14,19 kWh/(m2a)
Building tightness: 0,30 W/(m2K)
CO2 emissions: 4 kg/(m2a)
Renewable share of energy: 59 %
nZEB Example
Primary energy consumption: 7 kWh/(m2a)
Energy needed for heating: 13 kWh/(m2a)
Building tightness: 0,30 W/(m2K) or 3.421,88 W/K
CO2 emissions: 1 kg/(m2a)
Renewable share of energy: more than 90 %
nZEB Example
Primary energy consumption: less than 45 kWh/(m2a)
Energy needed for heating: less than 15 kWh/(m2a)
Building tightness n/a
CO2 emissions n/a
Renewable share of energy 20 % (solar thermal energy)
nZEB Example
Primary energy consumption: 96.30 kWh/(m2a)
Building tightness: n/a
CO2 emissions n/a
Renewable share of energy: 22 % (solar thermal energy)