Learning programme  General skills related to nZEB construction (blue collars)
Total number of hours 14 Total number of credits  N/A
Minimum EQF for participants 3
Pre-curriculum conditions  Work experience in building construction, basic knowledge on building materials and their installation as well as about building envelope and its elements


Learning Outcomes


Learning unit/ topic Knowledge Skills Responsibility & autonomy
1 nZEB principles
Knowledge on the nZEB standard and the principles of a nearly zero energy building. Cognitive and practical skills required to understand the nZEB requirements to be able to perform the assigned tasks with top quality. Responsibility to perform the work and to install materials and equipment in order to meet the nZEB requirements.
2 Building airtightness requirements – quality sealing 
Knowledge on the building (envelope) airtightness and about materials used to ensure the airtightness of the building. Cognitive and practical skills required to understand how to achieve envelope airtightness in order to perform the assigned tasks related with the building airtightness. Responsibility for  proper use of materials for achieving the building airtightness.
3 Continuously insulated building envelope – minimizing thermal bridges
Knowledge  on the insulation materials and their thermal behavior as well as on properly sealing the building envelope in order to minimize the thermal bridges influence.  Cognitive and practical skills required to understand how to achieve continuously insulated building envelope in order to perform the assigned tasks related with the building insulation. Responsibility for proper use of insulation materials paying attention to details in order to minimize the thermal bridges influence.
4 Windows installation to achieve nZEB standard
Knowledge  on the RAL standard and energy efficient methods of windows installation as well as on the materials used for installation. Cognitive and practical skills required to be able to apply the energy efficient methods when installing windows in the building.  Responsibility for quality installation of windows in the building in order to achieve nZEB standard.
5 New materials in construction and new technologies
Knowledge  on the new and innovative materials and state-of-the-art technologies which are used in the field of green sustainable construction. Cognitive and practical skills required to properly use new technologies and to properly install new materials in the building in order to achieve nZEB standard. Responsibility for proper use of new technologies and materials to achieve the nZEB standard.
6 Integration of renewable energy sources in buildings
Knowledge on the existing renewable energy sources and on possibilities of their integration in buildings.  Cognitive and practical skills required to understand which construction pre-work needs to be done before the RES equipment installation. Responsibility for the quality of preparatory construction works done before the RES equipment installation.

Detailed content of the topic (module)

Learning unit/topic Teaching methods (classical, video presentation, ppt presentation) Type of activity (course, applied activity, practical activity) No. of hours
1.  nZEB principles      classical, digital/  webinar, interactive,  powerpoint presentation Course 2,5
2. Building airtightness requirements – quality sealing Course, Applied activities 2
3. Continuously insulated building envelope – minimizing thermal bridges Course, Applied activities 2
4. Windows installation to achieve nZEB standard Course, Applied activities 2,5
5. New materials in construction and new technologies Course 2,5
6. Integration of renewable energy sources in buildings Course 2,5
Total no. of hours 14


Contact the nZEB Ready partners to find out more about available trainings in: Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Portugal and Romania.

Full contact details.

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