Learning programme  Renewable energy sources
Total number of hours 14 Total number of credits  N/A
Minimum EQF for participants 6-7
Pre-curriculum conditions  Degree in civil/MEP/electrical engineering, basic knowledge on types of renewable energy sources and their application in the buildings


Learning Outcomes


Learning unit/ topic Knowledge Skills Responsibility & autonomy
1 Renewable energy sources and potential for their use in buildings
Highly specialized and advanced knowledge on the existing renewable energy sources and on possibilities of their integration in buildings to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Advanced and specialized problem-solving skills required to identify the suitable renewable energy source to be applied in the building and to properly match thermal properties and use of RES in buildings. Responsibility to assess the

possibilities for integration of

technical systems that use

renewable energy into building.

2 Energy transformation and energy flow
Highly specialized and advanced knowledge on the energy conversion processes and fundamental energy flows as well as on the general concepts on the energy balance. Advanced and specialized problem-solving skills required to calculate energy needed for HVAC systems in the building as well as the respective share of renewable energy sources.  Responsibility to plan and design the heat

supply of a building in line with nZEB standard.

3 Renewable energy technologies
Highly specialized and advanced knowledge on the on existing HVAC technologies with the use of renewable energy sources i.e. RES technologies

appropriate to reach nZEB or DER standard.

Advanced and specialized problem-solving skills required to identify the advantages/disadvantages of each type of RES technology for energy efficiency to compare and propose the most suitable option given the available resources. Responsibility for choosing and proposing the suitable renewable technology to be applied in the building considering the given situation. 
4 Application of solar energy solutions
Highly specialized and advanced knowledge on the building integrated photovoltaic

and solar thermal systems as well as on the energy storage system.

Advanced and specialized problem-solving skills required to design HVAC systems with the use of RES,

namely building integrated

photovoltaic systems, solar

thermal systems, as well as

system of energy storage in the building.

Responsibility for choosing and proposing the suitable solar technology to be applied in the building. 
5 Application of geothermal energy solutions
Highly specialized and advanced knowledge on the principles that underlie the ability of geothermal energy to deliver usable energy as well as knowledge on the technologies that are used to harness the power of geothermal energy. Advanced and specialized problem-solving skills required to design heating and cooling systems with the use of RES, namely geothermal integrated systems. Responsibility for choosing and proposing the suitable geothermal technology to be applied in the building. 
6 Application of bioenergy solutions
Highly specialized and advanced knowledge on the main sources of biomass, the origins of these sources, and the means by which they can be exploited for heating and electricity generation including knowledge on the technologies for integration of bioenergy in the building. Advanced and specialized problem-solving skills required to design heating systems with the use of bioenergy solutions and to recognize the potentialities and limitations of bioenergy technologies to support decision making. Responsibility for choosing and proposing the suitable bioenergy technology to be applied in the building. 
7 Renewable energy sources share in nZEB buildings 
Highly specialized and advanced knowledge on the required share of renewable sources when designing nZEBs as well as about principles for achieving cost-optimal solution that meets the nZEB standard. Advanced and specialized problem-solving skills required to achieve mutual alignment of building architecture, building physics, thermal and technical systems and electrical installations while developing highly optimized energy concepts.   Responsibility to meet the nZEB requirements in terms of renewable energy sources share for the building. 

Detailed content of the topic (module)

Learning unit/topic Teaching methods (classical, video presentation, ppt presentation) Type of activity (course, applied activity, practical activity) No. of hours
1. Renewable energy sources and potential for their use in buildings classical, digital/  webinar, interactive,  powerpoint presentation Course 2
2. Energy transformation and energy flow Course 2
3. Renewable energy technologies Course 2
4. Application of solar energy solutions Course, Applied activities 2
5. Application of geothermal energy solutions Course, Applied activities 2
6. Application of bioenergy solutions Course, Applied activities 2
7. Renewable energy sources share in nZEB buildings Course 2
Total no. of hours 14




  1. Charles J. Kibert, Sustainable construction, 4th edition, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2016
  2. Vaclav Smil, Energy – A beginner’s guide, 2nd edition, London: Oneworld Publications, 2017   
  3. Dejan Mumovic and Mat Santamouris, A handbook of sustainable building design & engineering, New York: Routledge, 2015
  4. The Open University (Godfrey Boyle), Renewable Energy, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012
  5. Varun Sivaram, Innovations to harness solar energy and power the planet, New York: Westchester Publishing Services, 2018.  
  6. Hayes Zirnhelt and Matt Horne, On-Site Renewable Energy Requirements for Buildings, Alberta, The Pembina institute, 2010 – online version


  1. Sheila J. Hayter and Alicen Kandt (NREL), Renewable Energy Applications for Existing Buildings (Conference Paper – preprint) – online version https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy11osti/52172.pdf, 2011


Contact the nZEB Ready partners to find out more about available trainings in: Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Portugal and Romania.

Full contact details.

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