
The School and Kindergarten Complex in Podgórzyn / © J. Źurawski In 2016, the Municipality of Podgórzyn in the Lower Silesia region of Poland embarked

© Municipality of Sulejów How was this building procured? In the tender documentation, the Contracting Authority asked the bidders to prove that they

Primary energy consumption (includes RES): 77kWh/mp/year
Building tightness: 1 ACH@50Pa
CO2 emissions: 9 kgCO2/mp/year
Renewable share of energy: 60%

Primary energy consumption (includes RES): 71kWh/mp/year
Building tightness: 1 ACH@50Pa
CO2 emissions: 9 kgCO2/mp/year
Renewable share of energy: 51%

Primary energy consumption: EP = 66.81 kWh / (m2a), i.e. 29.6% less than required for nZEB buildings (technical requirements in force since 01/01/2021) and 52.3% less than the legal requirements that were in force at the time of design.
Building tightness: n50=0.3 1/h (according to blower-door test PN-EN 9972 method 2)