New Construction

Primary energy consumption: 96 kWh/m2year
Building tightness: 0.28/h
CO2 emissions: 11 kgCO2/m2year
Renewable share of energy: 50%

Primary energy consumption (includes RES): 77kWh/mp/year
Building tightness: 1 ACH@50Pa
CO2 emissions: 9 kgCO2/mp/year
Renewable share of energy: 60%

Primary energy consumption (includes RES): 71kWh/mp/year
Building tightness: 1 ACH@50Pa
CO2 emissions: 9 kgCO2/mp/year
Renewable share of energy: 51%

So far, the simulation with the best values was the house with LSF structure and ICB insulation 10cm on the outside and 10cm of rock wool on the inside.
Energy needed for heating: 12,31 kWh/(m2a)
Energy needed for cooling: 7,92 kWh/(m2a)
Building tightness: n/a
CO2 emissions: on going
Embodied energy: on going

The energy nZEB performance of SolarXXI can be considered as a reference year:
▪ Electric consumption: 22 kWh/m2.year
▪ Renewable electricity: 32kWh/m2.year taking into account all 3 PV systems.

Final energy consumption for heating and ventilation: 6.9 kWh/m2/a
Building part / RIC Pro-Akademia / National requirements for nZEB binding from 01/01/2021
External walls / 0.085 / 0.200
Roof / 0.085 / 0.150
Floor on the ground / 0.114 / 0.300
Windows / 0.800 / 0.900

Primary energy consumption: EP = 66.81 kWh / (m2a), i.e. 29.6% less than required for nZEB buildings (technical requirements in force since 01/01/2021) and 52.3% less than the legal requirements that were in force at the time of design.
Building tightness: n50=0.3 1/h (according to blower-door test PN-EN 9972 method 2)

Primary energy consumption: -12 kWh/m2 (plus-energy building)
Building part / RES Technology Transfer Centre / National requirements for nZEB in force since 01/01/2021
External walls / 0.11 / 0.20
Roof / 0.08 / 0.15
Floor on the ground / 0.06 / 0.30
Windows / 0.80 / 0.90
Source: Jaczewski, M. and Firląg, S., 2014. Charakterystyka budynku Centrum Transferu Technologii w obszarze OZE w kontekście wymagań dla standardu pasywnego. Acta Innovations, (13), pp.32-40.